Casino Affiliates:How To Build Quality Links

How to build quality Google backlinks

Search engines still perceive links as an important metric when ranking a site. Many digital marketers like Neil Patel are of the opinion that in future Google will not place an emphasis on links like it used to.

According to Rand Fiskin, Google still values links based on the following principles:

  • Links count as votes. In other words if your site has a link from an authority site within your niche, Google regards your site as an authority as well.
  • The more votes a website receives from the algorithm the higher it ranks in the serps.

If it’s not on Google it doesn’t exist” Jimmy Wales

What Exactly Is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process used to improve your domain’s rankings in Google, by implementing certain strategies such as keyword research, analyzing your competition, on-page strategies and link building. By following these measures your website will be found in the vastness of the Internet. It also decides whether or not your domain will be clicked on or lost in the depths of cyberspace. There are two types of SEO: on-page SEO and off-page SEO.

What is On-Page SEO?

It targets profitable keywords, creating high quality/researched content, linking to internal articles (with effective anchor text) and linking to authority websites in your niche.

What is Off-Page SEO?

It deals with back linking (which increases your position in the serps) through link request, internal linking and guest posting. When you request a link back to your article it must be well-written and add value to the website you requested a link back from. Although guest posting received a lot of fleck and devalued by Google, it’s still an important metric to attain quality back links. However, if you follow this route, your article must be superbly well-written and you must be an authority in your respective niche.

How Does A Portal Casino Earn Quality Links?

  • Place your links strategically in your site’s HTML Code (this code is hidden between your texts and other content). The higher your links are placed in the code, the more valuable they become to the search engines.
  • Rather focus on building external links instead of building links within your site’s pages. External links indicate how trustworthy your site is to other sites.
  • Earn links from trusted portal casinos. This is easier said than done I know. The only way you’re going to accomplish this is to add quality and researched content to your site. Your content must be of such a nature that it engages your visitors and that they find it valuable.
  • Rather create links within your content instead of in the sidebars and footers. Links within the content appear more natural.
  • It’s in your best interest to build links with popular domains. Avoid links that are spam, even if you have quality links they will devalue your site.

Launching Your Campaign

  1. Do a proper site audit first. Take it from aside by analyzing its content and ask yourself if the content on it is useful, relevant and worth linking to?
  2. If I might coin the phrase every SEO expert used to date: ”Content Is Still King”. You’ve most probably heard this a thousand times before and probably sick and tired of hearing it by now. But for the sake of this article I’m going to mention it again. So, how does one create useful content? You can create it yourself or you can hire someone to write it for you. Whichever option you go with just make sure that the net result is high quality content.
  3. Find websites that are relevant to your niche and that can become part of your link-building network. The idea here is to attain links from them. This could be accomplished by related sites that have content that caters to the needs and wants of your targeted traffic. The sites you’re targeting must be trusted sites by the search engines.
  4. The information that you’ve gathered, create a structure for it. You can do this by creating a spreadsheet by categorizing your potential link partners into: a). Natural links, however, this depends on your contents quality. b). Manual linking, by convincing other sites it will be beneficial to link to your site. The advantages of the spreadsheet is that it allows you to monitor your campaign.
  5. Start reaching out to your potential partners by connecting with them on social media. The advantages of social media is that it builds strong relationships and a strong foundation. 
  6. If you have a team that works on link building assign each member within your team with a specific task. It’s important that you assign the tasks based on each member’s proficiency.
  7. Follow through. Establish proper communication with site owners and administrators. Allocate at least 30 minutes per day for this purpose. If you use reliable software, see to it that you maintain interaction with your link building network.

Proven Link Building Methods

The only way you’re site is going to earn quality links is from repeat or satisfied customers. As webmasters who market online casinos we find ourselves in an extremely competitive niche. As part of your rewards program you can offer your players exclusive bonuses, comps on selected games or even organize a slots tournament for your loyal ones.

Create Viral Content

If you’ve written an in-depth article on ‘The Various Aspects of a Deposit Bonus‘, assuming it’s well-written, researched and covers every angle of the sign up bonus holistically, chances are pretty good it can go viral. One of the most effective ways of gaining quality backlinks is when your site’s content is contagious. 

How do I create viral content? Find out what your target market finds interesting and use this as a topic to create viral content. It’s important that you focus on creating positive instead of negative content. Although the latter can be a good method for link bait, the results are normally short-lived. Positive content on the other hand not only makes us feel good about ourselves but it tends to go the distance.

Create useful content. It must be able to evoke your visitor’s emotions. Research indicates that most users are generally emotional buyers. That’s why by appealing to their emotions it is an effective way to sign up a new player. It’s important to tell your audience how your content must be consumed and what they can benefit from it. just remember in live there ain’t something like a free lunch. Tit for tat, if you expect a player to sign up via your site you must offer them something they can’t find at other portal casinos. A happy customer is someone that will spread the word about your site by sharing it with friends on social media and other outlets.

When you create your content try to stimulate the following emotions:

  • Positive emotions such as awe, surprise and joy.
  • Negative emotions like anger and anxiety.
  • If you opt the neutral route incorporate fear and lust but don’t overdo it.

These emotions always trigger a response from people. By incorporating them into your content, the chances are pretty good that you will solicit a response from your audience. 

Blog Your Content

Blogging is another effective way to build links. The reason why search engines such as Google likes blogging is because of the freshness of the content. Matt Cutts, ex-Google engineer recommends blogging since he regards it as one of the best methods to build links and authority.


When you start with your link-building campaign always build your links naturally and avoid buying links. If you follow the advice given in this article not only will it create long-term benefits but it will also rank higher in the serps. Building your links naturally will also save your site the risk of earning the ire of Google and the other search engines.


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